Click HERE to read about this workshop online. (scroll down to view)
Fuel and Play the Healthy Way Child Care Health Program
Public Health - Seattle & King County
The Child Care Health Program staff of Public Health-Seattle & King County (PHSKC) provided four training conferences for child care providers, demonstrating simple and easy-to-implement changes to increase physical activity opportunities and healthy eating among the children in the programs.
Some of the simple nutrition changes made included switching to 1% milk, serving healthier crackers, serving low-sugar cereals, and adding more fruits and vegetables to their menus. A Costco Shopping List is available for download HERE.
Changes to physical activity programs included incorporating activity games into their morning clean-up routines and having a group game day once a week.
Contact: Adrienne.Dorf@METROKC.GOV
Seattle King County Public Health Programs:
Fuel and Play the Healthy Way
Shop Around, and Community Kitchens